Make sure your child gets plenty of rest prior to opening night. A good night’s sleep or a nap will help!

  • Make sure your child arrives at the performance fed, but avoid sugary foods or “junk” foods. A light meal might serve better than a heavy one 

  • You may want to present your child with flowers or a small gift directly after the performance - flowers will be available for purchase at opening night

  • Invite lots of friends and family!

Performances: Place Everyone!

There are very few events in life as exciting as opening night. Cherish it, embrace it, and make a big deal out of it! Your child will experience a range of emotions and look to you for support and encouragement. 

After opening night, your child will still need your assistance and guidance. A musical is a lot of physical and mental work, so children need help pacing their energy. Make sure your child eats well, takes vitamins, drinks plenty of water and gets enough rest.


Extracted from: Family Matters, A Parent’s Guide to the Magic of Theatre