For Participants

Learn about auditions, enrolment and getting involved in studio 410 programming


MTC - Audition Central

Join us for an incredible journey from start to stage - this program promises growth in performance ability and confidence, and culminates in a large scale professional production. Admittance to the program requires an audition - cast is hand selected. All auditions are video submissions.

Stay tuned for our next round of auditions (Summer 2024)

Bite-Size Broadway Registration

Bite-Size Broadway culminates in a season-end showcase featuring four 10-minutes musicals. It’s the showcase designed to let young aspiring performers to find their voice and step into the spotlight for the first time!

There are 2 ways to enrol in BSB - if you audition for MTC, we may invite you to join BSB instead to use as an on-ramp! OR you can go ahead and register for BSB without an audition.

Registration OPEN NOW!

DanceWorks & Camp Spark

DanceWorks is our 9 week musical-theatre dance program that takes place each spring.

If you are looking for some summer fun, Camp Spark is for you! Now offering serveral weeks throughout the summer.

Registration opens January 2024.